Class Summary |
CheckBeanProperty |
CheckBeanProperty is a DiagnosticTask that checks a property and matches its (String) value to a regular expression pattern. |
CheckClassLoadable |
CheckClassLoadable is a DiagnosticTask that verifies that a given class is loadable. |
CheckDatabaseTableExists |
CheckDatabaseTableExists is a DiagnosticTask that verifies whether a database
schema has a definition for a table. |
CheckDatasourceConnectable |
CheckDatasourceConnectable is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the availability
and ability to create a connection to a DataSource. |
CheckDirectoryAccessible |
CheckDirectoryAccessible is a DiagnosticTask that verifies access properties of a directory in a File System
CheckFileContainsString |
CheckFileContainsString is a task that scans a file for at least one occurrence of a String. |
CheckHttpRequestHeader |
CheckHttpRequestHeader reads a header field from the current Http Servlet Request. |
CheckJNDIBinding |
CheckJNDIBinding is a task to check whether the naming server has a JNDI binding for a given name. |
CheckMBeanProperty |
CheckMBeanProperty is a DiagnosticTask that checks a property and matches its (String) value to a regular expression pattern. |
CheckProperty |
CheckProperty is an abstract class for tasks that verifies properties against a regular expression pattern. |
CheckPropertyValuesAreJavaTypes |
CheckPropertyValuesAreJavaTypes is a DiagnosticTask that verifies that each Java type name is loadable. |
CheckResourceAccessible |
CheckResourceAccessible is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the availability of a resource by name on the classpath. |
CheckResourceBundleKey |
CheckResourceBundleKey is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the existence of a given key for a given resource |
CheckResourceProperty |
CheckResourceProperty is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the availability of a property in a resource. |
CheckSystemProperty |
CheckURLReachable |
CheckURLReachable is a DiagnosticTask that verifies that an URL is reachable
by connecting to it and inspecting the (http) response code. |
CheckValidURL |
CheckValidURL is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the syntax of a given URL. |
CheckValueMatches |
CheckValueMatches evaluates an OGNL expression and matches its String value against a pattern. |
CheckXMLContent |
CheckXMLContent is a Diagnostic Task that verifies the presence of an element or attribute
(by evaluating an XPath) and optionally test is against a given pattern. |