Uses of Class

Packages that use DiagnosticTask

Uses of DiagnosticTask in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose

Subclasses of DiagnosticTask in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose
 class CollectionIteratorTask
 class CustomDiagnosticTask
          CustomDiagnosticTask is a wrapper on a custom defined DiagnosticTask.
 class PatternMatchingTask
          PatternMatchingTask is an abstract class that provides the functionality of matching a String value against a pattern (regular expression).

Methods in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose that return DiagnosticTask
 DiagnosticTask DiagnosticTaskResult.getTask()
          Return the DiagnosticTask for which the result hold the results.
 DiagnosticTask CustomDiagnosticTask.getTask()
static DiagnosticTask SelfDiagnose.register(DiagnosticTask task)
          Add the argument to the global list of Diagnostic tasks.
static DiagnosticTask SelfDiagnose.register(DiagnosticTask task, String identifier)
          Add the argument to the global list of Diagnostic tasks.

Methods in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose that return types with arguments of type DiagnosticTask
static List<DiagnosticTask> SelfDiagnose.getTasks()
          Return the modifiable collection of registered Diagnostic tasks.

Methods in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose with parameters of type DiagnosticTask
static DiagnosticTask SelfDiagnose.register(DiagnosticTask task)
          Add the argument to the global list of Diagnostic tasks.
 void CollectionIteratorTask.register(DiagnosticTask task)
static DiagnosticTask SelfDiagnose.register(DiagnosticTask task, String identifier)
          Add the argument to the global list of Diagnostic tasks.
 void CustomDiagnosticTask.setTask(DiagnosticTask task)

Method parameters in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose with type arguments of type DiagnosticTask
static DiagnoseRun SelfDiagnose.runTasks(List<DiagnosticTask> taskList, DiagnoseRunReporter reporter, ExecutionContext ctx)
          Basic method to the tasks provided

Constructors in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose with parameters of type DiagnosticTask
CompositeDiagnosticTaskResult(DiagnosticTask task)
DiagnosticTaskResult(DiagnosticTask task)
          Constructor requires a DiagnosticTask to store the result of its run.

Uses of DiagnosticTask in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose.check

Subclasses of DiagnosticTask in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose.check
 class CheckBeanProperty
          CheckBeanProperty is a DiagnosticTask that checks a property and matches its (String) value to a regular expression pattern.
 class CheckClassLoadable
          CheckClassLoadable is a DiagnosticTask that verifies that a given class is loadable.
 class CheckDatabaseTableExists
          CheckDatabaseTableExists is a DiagnosticTask that verifies whether a database schema has a definition for a table.
 class CheckDatasourceConnectable
          CheckDatasourceConnectable is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the availability and ability to create a connection to a DataSource.
 class CheckDirectoryAccessible
          CheckDirectoryAccessible is a DiagnosticTask that verifies access properties of a directory in a File System

 class CheckFileContainsString
          CheckFileContainsString is a task that scans a file for at least one occurrence of a String.
 class CheckHttpRequestHeader
          CheckHttpRequestHeader reads a header field from the current Http Servlet Request.
 class CheckJNDIBinding
          CheckJNDIBinding is a task to check whether the naming server has a JNDI binding for a given name.
 class CheckMBeanProperty
          CheckMBeanProperty is a DiagnosticTask that checks a property and matches its (String) value to a regular expression pattern.
 class CheckProperty
          CheckProperty is an abstract class for tasks that verifies properties against a regular expression pattern.
 class CheckPropertyValuesAreJavaTypes
          CheckPropertyValuesAreJavaTypes is a DiagnosticTask that verifies that each Java type name is loadable.
 class CheckResourceAccessible
          CheckResourceAccessible is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the availability of a resource by name on the classpath.
 class CheckResourceBundleKey
          CheckResourceBundleKey is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the existence of a given key for a given resource
 class CheckResourceProperty
          CheckResourceProperty is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the availability of a property in a resource.
 class CheckSystemProperty
 class CheckURLReachable
          CheckURLReachable is a DiagnosticTask that verifies that an URL is reachable by connecting to it and inspecting the (http) response code.
 class CheckValidURL
          CheckValidURL is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the syntax of a given URL.
 class CheckValueMatches
          CheckValueMatches evaluates an OGNL expression and matches its String value against a pattern.
 class CheckXMLContent
          CheckXMLContent is a Diagnostic Task that verifies the presence of an element or attribute (by evaluating an XPath) and optionally test is against a given pattern.

Uses of DiagnosticTask in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose.check.vendor

Subclasses of DiagnosticTask in com.philemonworks.selfdiagnose.check.vendor
 class CheckAtgComponentProperty
          CheckAtgComponentProperty is a task specific to the ATG framework.
 class CheckEndecaService
          CheckEndecaService is task specific to Endeca Search Engine.
 class CheckSpringBeanProperty
          CheckSpringBeanProperty is a task to check a property from any Spring configured bean object.
 class CheckSpringDatasourceConnectable
          CheckSpringDatasourceConnectable is a diagnostic task that access a Datasource from the application context and uses that to verify that a connection can be created (and closed).
 class CheckWebsphereJMSListenerPort
          CheckWebsphereJMSListenerPort is a DiagnosticTask that verifies the operational status of a ListenerPort in WAS.

Uses of DiagnosticTask in

Subclasses of DiagnosticTask in
 class ReportJVMRuntimeMemory
          ReportJVMRuntimeMemory is a task that reports the current JVM memory consumption Usage:
 class ReportMap
          ReportProperties can dump the key value pairs of a Map object <reportmap value="${myMap}" comment=""/>
 class ReportMavenPOMProperties
          ReportMavenPOMProperties is a task that reports the Maven build properties which are included in the application if it is build using Maven.
 class ReportProperties
          ReportProperties can dump the key value pairs of a Properties object <reportproperties value="${myProperties}" comment=""/>

Uses of DiagnosticTask in

Subclasses of DiagnosticTask in
 class ReportJamonMonitors

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